The importance of an EDI lens in research

There are many areas where an EDI lens can be important and beneficial, but the reasons can differ slightly. Here are some thoughts to ponder.

Recruiting research participants from diverse backgrounds and intersecting identities will help to give those groups a voice and more agency in their own academic lives. The TCPS2 has an entire chapter devoted to fairness and equity in research participation, emphasizing that groups shouldn’t be excluded for research without a good reason and that both the direct and the indirect benefits of research should be equitably distributed (see chapter 4).

Sharing research position opportunities (e.g., research assistant postings) with traditionally marginalized groups can remove the historical and/or systemic barriers that have reduced opportunities for these marginalized groups (or given additional advantages to the statistically dominant group).

It is also important to analyze statistical data with a more inclusive approach. Although we typically aggregate data together in order to be able to generalize it to the entire population, that may drown out certain marginalized voices. As such, it’s important to also explore non-aggregated data and report findings for these sub-groups separately as well, especially for findings that may benefit those marginalized communities. For example, do the data show a learning/performance advantage for a sub-group that may not be present/significant in the statistically dominant group (or vice versa).

Ensuring representation in a research team will result in better research because it will include different perspectives. It can also help to redistribute power to people of more varied and intersecting identities. Read more in this journal article.

Funding agencies now also typically have a section of their application dedicated to a diversity statement or diversity plan (see SSHRC best practices), so designing the project with an EDI lens from the onset can also make you more likely to obtain funding.

Also check out ORSIE’s EDI in Research page or the full Charter from the Government of Canada (2019). And remember that the staff at our Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion is available to assist you, too!

Have questions? Send me an email or a Teams message, or pop into my weekly virtual office hours on Fridays (12:30-1:30pm) in my video chat room on Whereby.

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