There are many areas where an EDI lens can be important and beneficial, but the reasons can differ slightly. Here are some thoughts to ponder. Recruiting research participants from diverse backgrounds and intersecting identities will help to give those groups a voice and more agency in their own academic lives. The TCPS2 has an entire […]
Another perspective on research: What is missing can be as important as what is found
(image source: During World War II, fighter planes would come back from battle with bullet holes. The Allies found which areas of the airplanes were most commonly hit by enemy fire and planned to reinforce those areas. However, a mathematician named Abraham World proposed that perhaps there was a more important way to look […]
What is a research coordinator anyway?
The role differs slightly by Faculty, but the short answer is that Research Coordinators are a liaison between faculty researchers and the Office of Research Services Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ORSIE). We use our expertise to facilitate research opportunities and build capacity for applied research at Durham College. This might include connecting faculty with co-investigators or […]
Research Example: Study with Secondary Data
When Dawn McGuckin, Deb Tsagris, and I developed a new psychology GNED course, we made sure that UDL/accessibility was central to our planning. We made pedagogical choices which we thought would benefit student learning (based on the literature from education and the cognitive sciences) and were pretty happy with our course. It ran for a […]
A day in the life of a researcher
People sometimes ask me what it looks like to be a “researcher”, so I thought I would take this week’s post and give you an idea of the sorts of tasks that I engage in regularly as a researcher (outside of actually doing the research/collecting data, because, honestly, that’s really only a small part of […]
Research Example: Replication and Extension Study
When Morgan Chapman and I read a research paper about poor/ineffective teaching behaviours (find the original paper here), we wondered whether results would be similar with our students in Canada (because the original study used American university students as their participants). So, we wanted to re-do their study in our context. Another paper also inspired […]
Ready to start? Research questions donations for you!
Something I hear a lot when speaking to faculty about research as “I don’t know where/how to start!” So, I thought that providing you with some examples of specific, testable research questions could inspire you to jump into research. If the topics/questions below interest you, go for it! I am here to support you if […]
How is research related to your job at DC?
That is a question that comes up often: How is research related to my career of teaching? Before I answer that question, let me ask you this: How do you know you’re being a good teacher? Part of the answer you’re likely to give might include information related to best practices in teaching which you’ve […]
Getting comfortable with the research process: Where to find PD
Are you interested in research, but not sure where to start? Education (on any topic) can make us feel come comfortable/confident, so this I have compiled some suggestions for research-related PD. Enjoy! TCPS2 core certificate (create a free account and complete the modules here) DC Employee Development portal has a couple of opportunities for you: […]