Do you find statistics and/or math to be a little scary? Note: although statistics use math to get you an “answer”, statistics is more of a logic problem than a math problem!). If you are turned off by the thought of having to do some statistics as part of the research process, I have a couple of solutions for you! One option: apply for funding for your research project and hire a student or external stats consultant to run them for you! Another option: ask me to help you design your study so that you can run your stats with a couple of clicks in Excel! A third option: feel a little less intimidated by stats/math by engaging in a little self-directed PD with the resources below:
- Teach me Statistics in Half an Hour (video):
- Stats Primer (blog):
- Creative Maths website (videos):
- Practice identifying the correct statistical test (with feedback):
Have questions? Pop into my weekly virtual office hours on Fridays (12:30-1:30pm) in my Whereby video chat room.