Welcome Back!

(image source) Welcome back to another fun-filled research year! With this first post, I wanted to do two things: 1) explain my role as research coordinator; and 2) share my approach to this year’s newsletter series. What is a research coordinator? The role of research coordinator is essentially a liaison role with the Office for […]

Empowerment through applied research

Applied research holds immense potential to create meaningful impacts beyond theory. While theoretical research is vital, applied research bridges the gap between knowledge and real-world application. Embracing applied research can open doors to transformative collaborations, practical solutions, and a profound sense of purpose. Today, I will highlight some of the benefits of engaging in applied […]

Inspiring faculty to transform education through the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)

SoTL research focuses on investigating and improving teaching practices, student learning outcomes, and the overall educational experience. By engaging in this research, you have the opportunity to enhance your effectiveness in the classroom and create a positive impact on students. Below, I tie engagement in SoTL research with the 3 guiding principles (aka pillars) of […]

Are stats holding you back?

Do you find statistics and/or math to be a little scary? Note: although statistics use math to get you an “answer”, statistics is more of a logic problem than a math problem!). If you are turned off by the thought of having to do some statistics as part of the research process, I have a […]

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